Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
The mission of our children's ministry is to give our kids an intentional and comprehensive education of scripture in addition to consistent relationships with committed leaders who share the transformative love of Jesus. We focus on three different aspects of our ministry to accomplish this.
1. Curriculum: A comprehensive curriculum that covers Genesis through Revelation.
2. Scripture: Open our Bibles together each week and memorize scripture together
3. Discipleship: Build relationships with peers who are also becoming followers of Jesus and consistent relationships with committed leaders who share the transformative love of Jesus.
1. Curriculum: A comprehensive curriculum that covers Genesis through Revelation.
2. Scripture: Open our Bibles together each week and memorize scripture together
3. Discipleship: Build relationships with peers who are also becoming followers of Jesus and consistent relationships with committed leaders who share the transformative love of Jesus.
Sunday Mornings
Wednesday Nights
10:30 - 11:30 AM
Every Sunday, our kids, grades Pre-K thought 5th Grade meet for Sunday School.
5:30 - 7:30 PM
Several weeks a month, our kids, grades Pre-K through 5th Grade meet for Wednesday Night Kids. We share a meal, learn about the Bible, and play fun games! Check out the Calendar to find out when we meet next! To sign up as a volunteer to serve dinner, click here.